Dr Muhammad Ather Khurram writes columns under titles “Teer e Neem Kush”, “Be Mausami Ghunchay”, “Gar Giran Na Guzray”, “Sadaqat” and “Gosh Guzariyan”, he wrote many articles on government corruption, he also wrote english columns “Revealing Truth” for international newspapers and news websites, his many English columns print in various international newspapers, periodicals and magazines, His Urdu columns gets translated in English, Arabic, Sindhi and Pashto for various international and local publications and it is widely read, his many articles was used for reference in foreign Media. he is mostly respected for his in depth and fair analysis and he has been continuously rated as one of the best in Pakistan. His 25 years of experience in print and electronic media spans an illustrious career’s many milestones. He is former editor and chief editor of many national newspapers and has done extensive news, reporting and editorial writing for many prestigious papers, his more than two and half decades long career of journalism In print and electronic media is full of milestones and it is best known nationally for his prestigious work in news, views, analysis, editorial, articles, columns.
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